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Base Pools can be created permissionlessly by any users, similar to uniswap v3 pools. Base pools are contain the main logic for borrowing actions as well as accepted collateral assets. To understand the differences between Base and Super Pools please visit core concepts

Creating a Base Lending Pool

The Base Pool contract is a singleton contract, meaning all assets of all base pools are stored in a single contract. Pools are data structures that contain accounting and market parameter logic.

Initializing a new Pool

 function initializePool(
address owner,
address asset,
uint128 poolCap,
bytes32 rateModelKey
) external returns (uint256 poolId)
owneraddressPool owner
assetaddressPool asset to lend
poolCapuintPool asset cap
rateModelKeybytes32Registry key for interest rate model

Some assumptions to consider when making a pool:

  • the riskEngine has to recognize an oracle for the asset of the base Pool. Oracles can only be set by admins
  • the rateModel can only chosen from a list of known rate models within the registry contracts
  • Base Pools have 2 fees
    • originationFee is a fee on every borrow, which goes to the protocol
    • interestFee is a performance fee which is a percent of interest earned from borrowers